Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Blue Planet Organics Reveals the Anti-Arthritic Qualities of Shea Butter

Shea butter has stigmasterol which is an effective ingredient in the relaxation of muscles.
 This is why Shea is often used as a massage cream, and to relax muscles. It also helps to soothe the inflammation associated with arthritis. Stigmasteral is also known as the stiffness factor, and it is an element found to relax muscles, and repair injuries from swelling and when muscles become tense. The primary component of stigmasterol is phytosterol. Stigmasterol is a plant sterol and it is an inflammation mediator. Stigmasterol has been found to inhibit pro-inflammatory mediators. These pro inflammatory inhibitors play a role in cartilage degradation. Thusly this stimasterol plant sterol found in Shea butter has shown to have anti-arthritic properties, by inhibiting pro-inflammatory mediators.

There is a book called The Wulzen Anti-Stiffness Factor: How Stigmasterol Can Help You Feel Better, Look Younger, Be Fitter, And Spend Less On Health Care by Daniel Byers which outlines more on stigmasterol. There are many uses for Shea butter but this is an ideal use for people afflicted with arthritis or simple stiffness in the body. Even people who work in cold environments, Shea maybe a good addition to relax the area of the body that is stiff.

Shea comes in an unrefined raw form organic form that can be used in DIY recipes but in it raw unchanged state it can be a easily uses arthritis product and not just beauty product. The Shea butter can be found by typing blue planet organics in Amazon search and that a person can locate current and future products by typing blue planet organics in Amazon, Google, Bing, Facebook or youtube search.

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