Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Blue Planet Organics Reveals the Anti-Arthritic Qualities of Shea Butter

Shea butter has stigmasterol which is an effective ingredient in the relaxation of muscles.
 This is why Shea is often used as a massage cream, and to relax muscles. It also helps to soothe the inflammation associated with arthritis. Stigmasteral is also known as the stiffness factor, and it is an element found to relax muscles, and repair injuries from swelling and when muscles become tense. The primary component of stigmasterol is phytosterol. Stigmasterol is a plant sterol and it is an inflammation mediator. Stigmasterol has been found to inhibit pro-inflammatory mediators. These pro inflammatory inhibitors play a role in cartilage degradation. Thusly this stimasterol plant sterol found in Shea butter has shown to have anti-arthritic properties, by inhibiting pro-inflammatory mediators.

There is a book called The Wulzen Anti-Stiffness Factor: How Stigmasterol Can Help You Feel Better, Look Younger, Be Fitter, And Spend Less On Health Care by Daniel Byers which outlines more on stigmasterol. There are many uses for Shea butter but this is an ideal use for people afflicted with arthritis or simple stiffness in the body. Even people who work in cold environments, Shea maybe a good addition to relax the area of the body that is stiff.

Shea comes in an unrefined raw form organic form that can be used in DIY recipes but in it raw unchanged state it can be a easily uses arthritis product and not just beauty product. The Shea butter can be found by typing blue planet organics in Amazon search and that a person can locate current and future products by typing blue planet organics in Amazon, Google, Bing, Facebook or youtube search.

Blue Planet Organics Reveals the Clay Mask Source as Benton Wyoming

Blue Planet Organics is working with US origin of sodium bentonite in Benton Wyoming.

The name bentonite refers to a clay first identified or discovered in the US in cretaceous rocks in Fort Benton, Wyoming. Although bentonite is found in many countries and has been used for centuries by Romans, Egyptians, and North American Indians. Many of the largest concentrations of deposits are found in the Great Plains of North America, and this is where Blue Planet Organics acquires its clay powder.

Bentonite is the commercial name for the mineral montmorillonite. Montmorillinite is derived from Montmorillon, France, where the medicinal mineral was first identified. The company said monmorillonite comes from weathered volcanic ash, and it is the main ingredient in Blue Planet Organics Clay powder. 

The uniqueness about this mineral product is how it absorbs toxins (heavy metals, free radicals, pesticides, and household chemicals). It is a pore sweller that attracts and absorbs these toxins and removes them. It performs this task with its negative charge while toxins, bacteria, and dead skin cell have a positive charge. Thusly, the clay works like a magnet to remove the skins debris. Sodium bentonite can fully cover the skin as it has a large number of platelets attracting an extensive amount of toxic debris. This makes the clay mask an optimal resolution to rid the body of toxins continually attracted in the modern world of chemicals.

According to research bentonite can even attract herbicides, molds, pathogenic, pesticides, and viruses. Once a person allows the clay to remain for 5 to 20 minutes on the skin it will then wash away the toxins, heavy metals and unwanted debris. The company said this absorption allows the clay to be a healing clay, since once the unwanted debris is removed then the skin can rejuvenate and normalize. The company further said this detox method will allow moisturizers, and creams to work better as there will no longer be obstructions between the skin and healing lotions and creams.  A person can lean more by typing nettohome in Amazon search or blue planet organics on facebook, youtube, google and bing. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Acne Scars Can Be Removed with Blue Planet Organics Shea Butter

Shea butter deeply penetrates the skin and promotes collagen to subdue scars.

Shea butter is widely known as a stretch mark butter. It is also a product that can remove scars and scar associated with acne. Acne is a skin condition caused by clogged pores and the excessive production of sebum in a person’s skin. It is exacerbated by clogged hair follicles. The hair follicle is an area where the sebum glands are located, and it is an area where an irregular amount of dead skin cells and bacteria. Acne clearly shows up abundantly with teens because of the hormonal changes in young people’s skin. Acne flair ups can occur with higher sugar and fried food diets. The worst part of acne is the scars that are left in the skin tissue. Dermatologists indicate that a person can have a higher chance of developing acne scars skin has inflammatory acne or a genetic history of acne scars.
If a person doesn’t treat acne or doesn’t pop pimples then scarring can occur in that area of the skin. Shea butter is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. These are two areas that need to be addressed with a person having acne. An unrefined all natural organic Shea is much better than using facial washes, or other acne cleansers. Natural Shea doesn’t have humectants, or additional mineral oils, alcohols, or parabens and chemical preservatives that harm skin and prolongs acne scarring.

Shea butter is very rich in vitamins A, E and F. Vitamin A and E aids in balancing and nourishing the skin while vitamin E and F helps repair the damage to the skin. Acne scarring is causes by non-treatment of acne pimples and when the irritation is allowing to penetrate the skin tissue beneath. A person maybe best to start with a sodium bentonite clay mask initially to clear the pores and remove excess sebum oil and bacteria. Blue Planet Organics indicated that they offer that product as well.
Shea works to removes and eliminate the bacteria, repairs the skin by promoting collagen and then acts as a moisturizer to prevent acne in the future. After a person applies the healing clay mask then using an all-natural unrefined Shea butter will aid in the removing of acne scars or prevent scarring altogether. Shea butter with its vitamins and fatty acids allows collagen to create new skin cells. These new skin cells push out the old scarring acne cells and replaces it with new natural skin. Shea butter’s creates fertile ground for the skin to heal itself. Additionally, the skin will be moisturized with Shea butter so the sebum glands will not over produce sebum oil, which is a cause of acne. If a user wishes to find out more about the Shea Body Butter then they can type blue planet organics in Amazon search, Google, Bing, Facebook or youtube search engines.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Miracle Behind Volcanic Ash and Blue Plant Organics Clay Mask

Bentonite clay consists of the element called montmorillonite
It is believed that this element and the minerals are the secret ingredients responsible for the health characteristics of sodium bentonite clay. The montmorillonite was formed from volcanic ash and weathered over millions of years. The main elements are calcium, aluminum, sodium and potassium. Our clay is from Benton, Wyoming, and hence the name sodium bentonite. This montmorillonite is also found all over the world, but had taken the name sodium bentonite in the US.

Sodium Bentonite Clay, Volcanic Ash or montmorillonite Clay has an ancient history in providing health and beauty. Sodium bentonite is highly absorbent, which is an ideal feature as it pulls impurities, heavy metals, acne sebum, from the skin pores and thus clearing obstructions and skin ailments. Montmorillonite has been used for centuries as far back as Roman, Egyptian and Mesopotamian times. In the US it was used by the American Indians, so it has fain the name as Indian Healing Clay or the Secret of the Aztecs.

Sodiumbenotonite clay is used often as an exfoliate. The clay works well to subdue acne, eczema, psoriasis and to detox the skin. But people without these aliments use it to draw deeply embedded impurities and toxins out of the skin's pores. The average person acquires toxins and impurities every day in modern life from the air, chemical cleaners, make-up, shampoos, and non-organic skin care products. The company said that it is a product that all people can use including babies for diaper rash. The clay is absorbent so it pulls water the debris that causes a baby to have as rash. Additionally, it is effective for cellulite, sun damage, stretch marks, wrinkles, blemishes, and much more.
The healing clay mask can be found by typing nettohome in Amazon search and that a person can locate current and future products by typing blue planet organics on Facebook Amazon, Bing, Youtube, or Google.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blue Planet Organics Reveals How Shea Butter Is Made

Raw Shea butter is produce primarily by hand manually in Central Africa.

The nuts from this tree are harvested, cracked, grilled and pounded. The Shea tree ground throughout central Africa. A great deal of the Shea is cultivated in Ghana. It is estimated that nine hundred thousand women are involved in the production of raw Shea butter which is shipped to the US, Europe and parts of Asia. The process of creating Shea Butter is labor intensive mainly done manually with all human labor and primarily by women. The labor intensive process is to harvest the green fruit with a nut inside.

The nut is collected as they lay on the ground after falling from the tree. The nut is the magic which the women bring back to the village. They are then boiled for 30 minutes and subsequently air cooled. Once the nuts are cooled they can be cracked and individually removed from the shell. They separate out the good nuts pound them into pieces and fry them. The next step is to grind the Shea with a mortar, pestle, or between two stones. In some cases this is done with a mechanical mill until the contents of the nut is ground into a brown paste. They then mix the butter continuously by hand with water manually until the Shea oil floats on top. It is now light brown to beige. They then put this separated oil under a wood fire until it boils. The pure Shea butter rises to the top and they scoop it into another pot. This is done continually until all the Shea butter rises to the top, and then it is allowed to cool into an ivory off white, or yellowish butter.

Blue Planet Organics acquires the most natural Grade A unrefined Shea available. The company said this raw natural Shea they buy is then shipped to New York where it is inspected and stored. Once the Shea has passed inspection it is separated from blocks and warmed so it can pour into jars. This last step is the only part done by US labor and with any mechanical means. This allows for an all organic, natural raw Shea butter with no additives or preservatives. Refined Shea has additives and preservatives, which will change the complexity of the butter.

This process of providing raw unrefined Shea is much different than most over the counter beauty products. Most beauty products used and purchased in the US and Europe involve manufacturing processes with factories in China, or the West. The company said that Shea really is in its infancy in regards to how if it made available to the US. It is a big African export and as noted it is done within villages without electronics and done 90% by hand abroad.  If a person wish to learn more then type blue planet organics in Google, Bing, Facebook, Youtube or on Amazon.

Blue Planet Organics Offers An Organic Shea Butter Soap Recipe

DIY recipes are becoming essential in a chemical additive world
More and more people are going back to the early 1900's to create personal care products. Many over the counter non organic products on the market have philates, parabens, alcohols, ammonia compounds which wreak havoc on a person's skin. These harmful additives are used to allow other products to work better such as allowing oil and water to mix. They are also used as emulsifies and create product reactions such as bubbling. Additionally, these additives extend shelf life. We at Blue Planet Organics feel these additions to products cause far more harm to the skin and most of the time it will make the skin worse. Adding alcohols will dry out skin quickly, and these products also create prolonged health risks like cancer and hair loss.

We at Blue Planet Organics feel it is best to seek all natural and organic products that don't have these harmful effects. The company went onto say that the Internet and availability of information has allowed the public to be more informed of the ingredients in many health and personal care products.

We would like to forward the following DIY Shea butter soap recipe. Simply add 2 cups glycerin soap base melted in a double boiler, and 2 tbsp. Shea butter, melted separately. Add several drops of essential oil for fragrance and mix well, pour into molds or use regular food storage containers and let cool. The soap molds can be found at arts and craft or hobby stores. This recipe is the simplest recipe but also all natural so it is safer to use. The company recommends' glycerin which is vegetable based instead of lye as lye can be toxic if not handled properly.  The Shea butter can be found by typing blue planet organics in Amazon search and that a person can locate current and future products by typing blue planet organics in Amazon, Google, Bing, Facebook or youtube search

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Blue Planet Organics Announces Shea Butter E-Book With DIY Recipes

Most health and beauty products have unnatural and unhealthy alcohol ingredients.

The list of ingredients of cosmetics, health and beauty products will show additives from highest (first) to lowest (last) on the jars and bottles. Many are now asking for all natural ingredients, so users are not exposed to harmful by-products. There are a number of alcohol derivatives in many creams and lotions. There is also new evidence that these compounds are detrimental to skins health. They will not only create dry skin with alcohols, but even do much more major skin damage.

Dermatologists indicate there are a number of ways in which alcohol can be damaging to the outer lay of the skin or protective layer called the mantle. The mantle keeps out germs, bacteria and other detrimental invaders. Many health and beauty products add alcohols in part to break down the mantle layer of the skin so vitamin C, oils and other ingredients can enter the skin.  Science says this action will destroy the skins surface and actually dry's out the skin. It will also cause a chain reaction by creating free radical damage, inflammation with the dryness which evaporates the skins moisture. The higher the concentration of alcohol in a compounds ingredient list then the more damage it will cause. It can also cause long term damage of premature aging as the skin will be more exposed and susceptible to the environment and also sun damage. These alcohols glycols which are used as humectants that delivers ingredients into the skin. When fats and oils fatty acids are chemically reduced, or are less dense then they become fatty alcohols and become cleansing agents. There are even more aggressive and damaging health and beauty alcohol additives like ethyl, methanol, benzyl, and isopropyl alcohols, which not only can be extremely drying and irritating to skin, but may be cytotoxic, which means toxic to the skin cells.

This why so many people are looking at DIY (Do It Yourself)recipes. People see that there are many additives such as these alcohols, parabens, and other unnatural fillers that can be harmful, damaging and prematurely age the skin. Blue Planet Organic created a DIY e-book available for free with each purchase of its Shea Body Butter. The company indicated there are many easy to follow recipes all using Shea butter as the underlying ingredient. The company went further to say that Shea is a stand alone product but is also an ideal added ingredient for daily health and beauty products. It is a semi solid butter from the seed of the karate tree in Central Africa.

Shea has an abundance of healing qualities for burns, stretch marks, rashes, eczema, acne, psoriasis, dry skin, and damaged brittle hair to name a few. Blue Planet Organics Shea butter E-Book is full of recipes to create a daily moisturizer, body washes, hair conditioners, shampoos, balms, scrubs, stretch marks and diaper rash. The company said that Shea butter has so many uses for the skin and hair that it could be in every medicine cabinet. Additional further details can be found by typing blue planet organics in Amazon, Google, Bing, youtube or Facebook search.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Sodium Bentonite Clay Mask a Common Home Remedy for Burns, Insect Bites and Itching

The clay has shown to be a means to detox the body and skin and even remove radiation.
More common home needs are insect bites, diaper rash and burns.The clay relieves itching by directly targeting the source of the itch. Many people receive insect bites especially in the summer, and with an insect bite there is an itch. Sodium bentonite will draw out the impurities in the insect bite which in part causes the irritation. It then heals the body as the impurities from the insect are now removed. If a child gets a bee sting then a simple direct remedy is to smear a bit of hydrated clay on the sting and let it dry. A family can wrap the clay in a bandage or cheesecloth and leave on for a few hours. This will eventually dry out the wound and pull out the bee venom which will allow a family member to heal much more quickly.

The clay can be used as a diaper powder to heal and protect baby bums. It can be used to heal skin, especially sensitive skin, like a baby’s bottom. Sodium bentonite clay is hydrophilic which means it is water loving. This feature allows the clay to draw moisture to itself. Additionally, it draws out the impurities of the rash much like it does against bee venom. The company said it is safe for the entire family and as it cures rash and even prevents baby rashes in the first place since it is hydrophilic (draws moisture).

The clay will relieve andheal burns. The wet clay will maximize the soothing effect. A person can just wrap the burned area with cheesecloth just like relieving insect venom. The company said that there is a video on blue planet organics channel on youtube which demonstrates the procedure. The company went on to say that sodium bentonite clay can protect against infections cuts and scrapes. Additionally said that using the same procedure for bee venom and burns previously describe will promote quicker healing of the cut or scrape. The healing clay mask can be found by typing nettohome or blue planet organics in Amazon search or via google and bing by searching blue planet organics. There are also a number of videos on youtube.