Thursday, June 4, 2015

What are the Main Causes of Acne, and What is the Remedy?

A little bit of acne or a lot destroys your self-confidence. 40 million American’s suffer each year. Acne is something you do not have to live with. It only takes a little work and you can be clear of this adolescence obstacle once and for all and it will only cost your $12. Because being a teenager is hard enough without have to deal with acne. If you’re a parent and you want to help your child get the confidence so they can concentrate on school and not how they look at feel the Blue Planet Organics is here to help. It is easier than you think.
Cleaning oil from your skin is only part of the problem. Getting deep down beneath the layers is the resolution. That is what our Indian Clay Mask can do for you. It deeps cleans your pores. Don’t do the spot treatment as it only may address one pimple or area. You need to attack the entire issue. You don’t send a drone to defeat an enemy. You send the Army, Navy, Air force and Marines to complete the job. The main causes of acne are oily skin, clogged pores, bacteria, and dead skin cells. Sebaceous glands are located in the face, and in the facial hair follicles of boys and girls. The glands secrete sebum which lubricates a person’s hair and skin. The problem is the sebum, dead skin, and bacteria clog the pores. This creates a home for acne. Cleanse the pores with Blue Planet Organics Indian Clay Mask. It’s organic and it simply works.
The uniqueness with Blue Planet Organics is the negative charge as the bacteria, sebum and heavy metals in your pores are positive charged. Thusly the clay mask pulls the debris in your pores scientifically. It is just like cleaning your room, but we are talking cleaning your face. The clutter in your room is positive to you, but it is a zit to your parents and your parents are the negative charge to clean your room.
Don’t use the prescriptions or chemical concoction remedies. Blue Planet Organics Indian Clay Mask works and it only costs $12 on Amazon. We include a free brush. It is simple and easy to use and it takes care of the issue. Give it a try

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