Sunday, May 31, 2015

Blue Planet Organics Solution to Defeat Psoriasis, and Eczema with Bentonite Clay Mask

Bentonite clay can save the embarrassment of a treatable skin conditions

Psoriasis is caused by immune system disorder. This discord is where the cells multiple too rapidly and old skin cells remain in the skins pores. This will create an inflammation in the skin in certain areas or patches. Psoriasis manifests itself on the arms (elbows), legs (knees), and scalp but it can also be found on the torso.
Eczema or atopic dermatitis is far more common. It is characterized by itchiness, redness, and scales. It is common on the knees, elbows, cheeks and extremities.  It is also an immune system disorder where the system goes into overdrive. There is a connection with food allergies and it very common in children.. It is said 10 to 20 percent of the worlds children will get some form of eczema. Ten percent of adults and adolescents acquire it for the first time. Along with food triggers also stress, itchy clothing, dust and pollen can trigger eczema.

There are no known cures for psoriasis and eczema, but instead of prescriptions creams sodium bentonite clay is a very effective treatment. It will also have less side effects then prescriptions,  Bentonite clay is an ancient remedy of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and in the new world with the Aztecs and American Indians. It is totally safe as the clay powder hypoallergenic (much less allergic) and contains no chemicals. It is mother earth, and relief of symptoms can be immediate.

The working aspects of Blue Planet Organics bentonite Clay is the negative charge created once water or vinegar is applied to the powder. The toxins, allergens and bacteria loge in the pores are positively charged. This is where the product becomes an ideal solution as the active clay pulls out the unwanted material. Additionally, bentonite clay is swelling clay so it opens the pores and it is also very absorbent. The combination of swelling the pores, negative charge clears the skin of toxins, bacteria, dead skin, so it makes it a scientific solution to psoriasis and eczema, and it eliminates the home where these conditions thrive.

SIMPLE AND EASY TO USE - DO NOT USE METALS INSTRUMENTS-Mix with water (dry skin) or apple cider vinegar (oily skin) until you get a thick paste. It comes together easily. Apply a thick layer to face or body and let dry for 5-10 minutes for sensitive skin, 10 to 20 for normal skin. Add olive oil for dry skin. Use once a week for a truly smooth glowing skin, or twice a week against difficult acne. One 16oz. jar should provide 30 or more facials, or 10 full body treatments. It is also helpful to add bentonite clay for skin to a warm bath once or twice a week can also help alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis and eczema.
The relief of symptoms of eczema and psoriasis will be immediate in most cases. The itching and redness should go away quickly. It may also take time to release all of the toxins and bacteria in the skin, so a process of twice of week for a few weeks should remedy the situation so most pores are clear of bacteria, and toxins. It is also recommended to apply a moisturizer after a clay mask as your skin will dry out. Blue Planet Organics bentonite clay is a real solution for these skin ailments and at a cost of fewer than ten dollars it is a spa solution for everyone.It can be found on Amazon

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