Friday, November 13, 2015

Blue Planet Organics Announces a solution for Eczema and Psoriasis

Bentonite Clay can be a natural solution for uncomfortable skin disorders. Acne, eczema and psoriasis are the most common skin ailments.

Bentonite clay or Indian healing clay is a real solution for these unattractive skin disorders. Eczema is more common and typically occurs due to an immune system abnormal reaction to allergens in food or the environment. It is typical associated with itching and redness of the skin. Psoriasis is when the immune system goes into overdrive and recreates skin faster than it should. This builds up skin within your pores that will not wash out easily. There are prescriptions and over the counter remedies, but these usually target the symptoms and don’t solve the skin issue. They also have dangerous side effects while bentonite clay does not.

Sodium bentonite clay is a natural solution to these two major issues. The clay is not harmful to users and it will get at the source of the problem and a person can have immediate relief. The clay works by its negative charge once activated with water or apple cider vinegar. Dead Skin, bacteria and debris fills a person’s skin pores and these most often have a positive charge. Additionally, with the pore swelling ability of the clay and the negative charge the dead skin, bacteria which build up with eczema and psoriasis are then removed. They further said the clay can cause a person to be itchier right away, but then it should all subside.

The healing clay is very unique as a person will see and feel it working on their skin. A person will apply the wet clay within a few moments a person’s skin will throb as the clay works within the pores. The instructions on the jar say a person should leave the clay on for as little as five minutes for sensitive skin to thirty minutes for normal skin. Blue PlanetOrganics said it is a simple direct and natural way to cure these two major ailments. A person can learn more by typing Blue Planet Organics in Amazon, Bing or Google and even youtube.  

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Blue Planet Organic Produces Acne Relief with Shea Body Butter

Shea butter has anti-inflammatory properties which reduces acne. It is often used on the skin to help heal damage and replenish collagen. Additionally, Shea butter has anti-inflammatory properties, which combats and reduces acne-inflamed skin. It is best to use unrefined Shea though.  We produce organic unrefined Grade A Shea butter. It is the best type of Shea butter as there are no fillers or additives and it is Shea in its purist form as refined Shea makes the butter less effective.

It is best to begin by clearing the skin with Blue PlanetOrganics Clay mask to start. The product pulls the bacteria, dead skin, and any toxins deep below the skin. Once a person’s skin is clean then apply the SheaBody Butter. Shea is a non-comedogenic, which means it does not clog the pores, and it is easily absorbed within the skin. We suggest that a user apply a thin layer on the acne affected skin and leave on for the day. Dermatologists say unrefined Shea is not only anti-inflammatory but also anti-bacterial which is key to inflamed acne skin which is often clogged with sebum and dead skin cells. It is imperative for a user to thoroughly clean the skin either with a sodiumbentonite clay mask or at least a medicinal cleanser with salicylic acid which is good to clean oily skin.

When applying the Shea butter to the affected acne area it is best to either use a cosmetic makeup sponge, first aid gauze, even a cotton round, but at least thoroughly clean your hands. A person doesn’t want to re-introduce bacteria from the hands, so a person gets the desired acne skin relief effect with the Shea. You can apply the raw Shea straight from the jar or follow a simple recipe. We suggest a simple recipe. Melt two ounces of Sheabutter in a double boiler then add 15 drops of lavender oil and 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil and let it cool down in a jar. Then apply as normal to the skin. Do this procedure daily at night about an hour before bed so the Shea can absorb into the skin. This should be done for several weeks to a month until the acne is gone and the acne scars are reduced. This has shown to be very effective with users and it is a low cost natural way to relieve oneself of acne and acne scars.

An acne sufferer will need to stop using body moisturizer with humectants ingredients like propylene glycol and hyaluronic acid and mineral oils which are petroleum based oils. A user should also not used parabens such as butylparaben, methylparaben, and propylparaben. These parabens are used as a preservative in cosmetics and beauty products to extend the products shelf life. These product fillers and preservatives will clog a person pores which proves to be problematic with acne sufferers. Natural products like coconut oil and essential oil like sesame, grapeseed oils also can clog pores and are not recommended for acne sufferers.

Essential oil which help against acne are Basil, Bergamot, Birch, Cajuput, Camphor, Caraway, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Garlic, Grapefruit, Immortelle, Juniper, Lavender, Lemongrass, Myrtle, Niaouli, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Sandalwood, and Tea Tree. A user can get additional information by typing Blue Planet Organics in google, bing, facebook search, or Amazon search.