Thursday, July 23, 2015

Blue Planet Organics Proposes Real Acne Relief With Sodium Bentonite Clay Mask

A healthy diet and removing toxins can dramatically reduce acne. A diet with too much insulin in a persons bloodstream can trigger changes in the body which can lead to the growth of pore clogging skin cells. It can cause a person's oil glands to go into overdrive. Research also suggests that a diet creating a high glycemic index will increase acne. These types of foods are processed foods like bread, refined grains that break down into sugar quickly. Research also indicates a diet of fresh green plants, lean meat, beans and food high in omega-3 fatty acids can turn the blood sugar issue around. This also includes pasta, white rice, and high sugar foods.

Our suggestion is a person will need to clear skin pores to rid the toxins in the body. Sodium bentonite clay treatment can offer a fix to clear a person's skin. The uniqueness about the clay mask is that it has a negative charge while toxins have a positive charge. The negative charges naturally pulls the toxins out of a person’s skin while leaving it softer and smoother.
A diet alone will not prevent acne, since most people will stick to a better diet but will relapse to easy access foods like pasta, bread and white rice which is found in every household and restaurants. It may be impossible to be completely free of toxins as toxins are part of daily life not just in food but in household and industrial chemicals, and cosmetics. A frequent toxin cleanse with sodium bentonite clay twice a month will aid in removing toxins in harmony with a healthier glycemic conscience diet will assist greatly.

Additionally, since Blue Planet Organics clay is a pore sweller it is an ideal natural remedy to an increase in insulin to diets. Insulin causes the body to react negatively and clog pores, so the healing clay remedies this issue. The clay mask is very easy to use, and only takes 10-20 minutes once applied on your face or body. It is so unique as a health and beauty product as a person feels it working on their skin. We see that most health and beauty products take time to effect a persons skin, while a sodium clay mask works right away and will create an immediate effect. Additional information can be found by typing blue planet organics in google or facebook search, or type nettohome on Amazon or go to

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Detoxification of Skin from Toxins and Heavy Metals with Bentonite Clay Mask which slows Aging

Toxins and Heavy Metals can make people sick and cause illnesses like Alzheimer’s, dementia and parkinsons disease. Consumers and workers are constantly bombarded by toxins and heavy metals. Toxins are found everywhere in daily life in consumer products and in work environments. Contractors working on construction sites are exposed to paints, paint thinners, chemicals in building materials. Blue collars jobs in the automobile repair shops, print shops, and workers in the hotels and hospitality industry are exposed to chemical cleaners every day. Additionally, working at home with household chemical cleaners and bleach all end up in your skin especially your hands and face. It can get there via direct contact and fumes from the product itself.

Heavy metals such as aluminum, lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium are very dangerous to humans. These toxic metals can cause or contribute to a long list of diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other brain and neurological disorders. Heavy and low level exposure can harm an individual as well. These toxins can be in your metal and plastic cookware and even toys children play with. It is part of everyday life in the western world. This can include primary exposure on the worksite and bringing those cloths home to the family.

Blue Planet Organics has a solution to rid the skin of toxins and heavy metals and that is a sodium bentonite clay mask. The uniqueness behind the mask is that it has a negative charge once activated by water or apple cider vinegar. Heavy metals, and toxins have a positive charge, so there is an exchange where the clay pulls the toxins out of a person’s skin via natural science. Our clay has pore swelling ability which opens the skins passageway to thoroughly clean out the toxins and metals that a person acquires daily. This clay mask should really be in every medicine cabinet and used at least twice a month, or used weekly to detox a person’s skin who is heavily exposed to chemicals.

It is simple and easy to use. Stay away from metals and use a ceramic or wooden spoon to apply the mask, so the negative charge is not de-affected. Then mix with water (dry skin) or apple vinegar (oily skin) to a thick paste. Apply ample layer to face or body and let dry for 5-10 min. for sensitive skin, 10-20 for normal skin. Use olive oil instead of water for dry sensitive skin and leave 15 min. Apply weekly for a truly smooth glowing skin, or twice weekly against acne
The healing clay mask can be found by typing nettohome in Amazon search or click here Blue Planet Organics clay mask